Saturday, February 26, 2011

Renewable Energy Startup Can't Pay-To-Play with President Obama

1 Black African Mans Opinion (1BAMO) - Blogged

I hope that the Department of Energy gets serious about funding startup companies like Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (AHEC). AHEC is seeking funding to help create over 10,000 new jobs in any major metropolitan city in the US or internationally, by using proven hydroelectric technology and equipment placed inside a 70-Story Building downtown in any major metropolitan city. AHEC's generating process produces No CO2 gases, requires No long distance Transmission Lines, creates No Environmental Concerns and can meet Off Peak and Peak Demands. 70-Story AHEC Generating Facilities could be constructed and operational within 3 Months.

It would be ashamed, if 10 Billion Dollars of the 16.1 Billion Dollars of the Stimulus money allocated the DOE remained unspent, because the Dr. Chu's leadership remained so busy crossing t's and dotting i's, and ignoring request for startup funding from small Black African American renewable energy startups like AHEC, while the well connected, "Pay-to-Play" folks continue to get funding. President Obama has less than 2 years before the next election to prove to the American People that he can support innovators trying to create jobs. He should learn from Former President Jimmy Carter and Ohio Former Governor Ted Strickland, who's Department of Development ignored my offer to help create thousands of jobs.

I'm ready and willing to help turn America back to economic and job growth, whenever state governors, mayor or President Obama is ready and willing to embrace innovation and move at the speed of business. We can be great again.

Please forward to you friends, tweet and Facebook.


Charles E. Campbell, Founder & CEO

Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (AHEC)

"Large-Scale Hydro For The World"

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