Sunday, January 29, 2006

Black Liberation Television (BLTV)

Black Liberation Television (BLTV)

The Time Is Now Got Dam It! (For Effect)


Charles E. Campbell

In Spirit and Legacy of the Honorable Marcus M. Garvey, I offer a simple proposal. Black Liberation Television (BLTV) is an idea whose time has come. BLTV would consist of one cable channel broadcasting in seven languages. They would be English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Ghanaian, and Swahili. BLTV will be unique because it will uplift and empower Black Afrikan People and People of Afrikan Descent around the world. That is the global vision. I have always believed that one should start small and grow. My idea of small is a bit larger than most.

BLTV should be owned by Black Afrikan People and operated in the interest of Black People of Afrikan Descent. That is a hard concept for most Black Afrikan People to understand, even among those of us who consider ourselves conscious. Capitalism is all about selfish greed. Many Black Afrikan People have been taught capitalism and will want to bring that ideology to BLTV. That will not be allowed to happen.

It will require extraordinary courage and sacrifice to implement this proposal. Some people will even lose their life and livelihood. This proposal is a true test of Black People of Afrikan Descents’ collective strength, courage and will. “Up You Mighty Race, Accomplish What You Will”, said the Honorable Marcus Garvey. I say, “Where There Is A Will, There’s A Way, But Where There Is No Will, There Are Excuses”. So, let me start by talking about some of the expected excuses and offer some solutions to them.

Excuse #1: Some Black People of Afrikan Descent don’t trust other Black People of Afrikan Descent.

Solution: Black Afrikan Americans through the enslavement, deconstruction, jim crow and affirmative re-action periods have been taught to mistrust, hate, mistreat, abuse and kill each other. Those individuals, who cannot STOP this inappropriate behavior, will not be allowed to participate with BLTV! Similar processes have been implemented around the world on People of Afrikan Descent. They too must stop! We don’t want nor need their time, effort or money. Therefore, if you are one of those, please leave BLTV alone and BLTV will leave you alone.

Excuse #2: Some Black People of Afrikan Descent don’t think that BLTV can never be done.

Solution: That’s A Lie! The Honorable Marcus Garvey with his UNIA and The Greenwood Community of Tulsa, Oklahoma (Black Wall Street) achieved unbelievable economic success. Black Afrikans in America number between 38 and 45 million people who generate and estimated 700 to 800 Billion Dollars each year. We simply have lacked the Leadership and Will to do for ourselves after the Trick of Desegregation. If individuals can start BET, Black Family Channel and TVOne, imagine what a collective of Committed Black Afrikan People from around this world can achieve.

Excuse #3: The U.S. Government will not allow us to do this.

Solution: We will do it anyway! It is not illegal to start a broadcasting company in the U.S. or South Africa, Ghana or Nigeria. The worst thing they can do is kill us and they are already doing that. (Poor Health Care, No Health Care, Drugs, Alcohol, Guns, Incarceration, Genocide, Iraq Wars, Aids, Bird Flu, Man Made Natural Disaster like Hurricane Katrina Orleans, LA, and Sudan, Afrika) So all weak-kneed Negroes need not step forward. Stay safe, comfortable, and away from BLTV.

Excuse #4: Where are we going to get the money?

Solution: From Black Afrikan People in the United States, Afrikan Countries and from around the world. Here is how we fund BLTV. Everyone will have an opportunity to make a one-time contribution at his or her financial level of comfort. The support level goals are as follows:

100 People to contribute 1 Million Dollars = 100 Million Dollars

200 People to contribute 500,000 Dollars= 100 Million Dollars

400 People to contribute 250,000 Dollars= 100 Million Dollars

667 People to contribute 150,000 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

1,000 People to contribute 100,000 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

2,000 People to contribute 50,000 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

4,000 People to contribute 25,000 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

10,000 People to contribute 10,000 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

20,000 People to contribute 5,000 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

50,000 People to contribute 2,000 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

100,000 People to contribute 1,000 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

200,000 People to contribute 500 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

400,000 People to contribute 250 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

800,00 People to contribute 125 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

1.5 Million People to contribute 67 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

2 Million People to contribute 50 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

4 Million People to contribute 25 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

10 Million People to contribute 10 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

20 Million People to contribute 5 Dollars=100 Million Dollars

Our goal is to generate 100 Million Dollars to launch and operate BLTV. I realize that the majority of Black Afrikan People might only be able to contribute at a lower level, but every dime counts. Contribute at your level and do not plan to write your contributions off on your taxes, if you are contributing from the United States.

Now that I have addressed most of the excuses, here is the plan. Oh! For those of you who believe that The Quiet Resolution (TQR) ( ) will not be televised, think again. BLTV will televise the truth about everything including The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. So, if this idea scares you, be afraid. Be very afraid!

It will take our collective energy, money, intellect, skills and talents to implement this BLTV. Therefore, I challenge every Historical Black College and University Student, every Afrikan College and University Student, every Black Writer, Producers, Director, Actor, Camera Person, Technician, Black Professionals and Nonprofessionals of Afrikan Descent to support this proposal, regardless of your religious, philosophical, economic, social, political or ethnic background. We must own and control a media that examines true Black Afrikan History and Culture and current events from our perspective. We must begin to write and produce multimedia projects for Black Liberation Television (BLTV). We must also begin to tell our stories uncensored by anyone, include ourselves. We must begin to expose the truth about our history, culture, experiences, hopes, dreams and aspirations from a Conscious Black Afrikan Perspective and Worldview.

What You Must To Do Next?

Suppose you read this proposal and think that it is a Great Idea. Here is what you do.

Step 1: Tell everyone you know about it. Email a link to to everyone you know. If you speak a different language, you have my permission to translate it into that language and publish this proposal in every newspaper, magazine, Internet discussion group that will allow it.

Step 2: Email me at I want your feedback and your level of planned commitment. You will be provided with instruction and a time to contribute your financial support.

Step 3: A Business Plan will be developed with time-lines, which include hiring a Conscious Management Team to implement BLTV. Trust is not optional, it is Mandatory.

Step 4: The launch of Black Liberation Television (BLTV) will be on January 1, 2007 in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Ghanaian, and Swahili.

BLTV will be owned by the Black Afrikan World Community and will never be sold, influenced nor controlled by anyone other than Consciously Committed Black Afrikans who will risk their life for Truth and Justice. Anyone connected in anyway to Black Liberation Television (BLTV) who attempts to exploit Black Liberation Television (BLTV) for their own selfish or greedy personal benefit or someone else’s benefit, must understand that they do so with the understanding that they, Give Black Afrikan People Permission To Take Their Life. This implied agreement should deter 99% of the people from trying to sabotage BLTV from within. The other 1% will try to stop BLTV from the outside. They will include agents of various governments.

Black Empowerment is not for the weak of mind, spirit and heart, because it could and most likely will cost you your life, but your sacrifice will help us create a better world for your children to live in. We were born to die, but what we choose to do with our life will make the difference for the next generation of Black People of Afrikan Decent.


One Love, One People, One Goal: Black Empowerment

Charles E. Campbell Black Liberation Radio

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